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Certifications , Teacher Trainings, Ceremonies
masjah studios trainings
welcome to reiki
Reiki ll Okuden, is this weekend
saturday & sunday
Reiki I, First Degree or Shoden
Intro to energy and universal energy flow
Rei - Universe / Divine
Ki- energy
It is about love of self and self care , for the exploration of energy begins with our own awarenesses. Learn the History of Reiki and explore energy healing . Begin to be aware of subtle energy shifts , and learn to self -heal with this powerful & ancient System. Be attuned, and begin your journey!
Reiki II , Second Degree , or Okuden
Taking the next step into being a conduit of healing . This level is the beginning of one beginning to practice Reiki in professional setting . The Reiki Symbols are learned and distance healing is introduced. Connections and Synchronicities , and learning from one another . Pathways open and deeper awareness comes .
Reiki III , Third Degree , or Shinpiden
The Gateway to Mastery
One is attuned to the master symbol, and initiated into a whole way of life . This level is a commitment to sacred living and being in service . It is about Inner mastery, rather than becoming a " master " . Many call this level Master level , but it is but a gate, a beginning . It takes and requires of you years of experiencing, receiving and giving and an internal feeling of being worthy of such a title as master .
In this level we explore deeper into quantum fields , connections and origins with ancient and other modalities .
We begin with a Beginners Mind, over and over again .
Reiki Master Level IV Shinpiden II
The humble student and servant feels a deep calling to teach and to further dedicate into this way of being .
Learn how to perform attunements , create curriculums , resources for all your teaching . Study , Discipline and Surrender .
Tracey is a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui and Men Cho
Rei traditions, and has spent over 20 years
in Metaphysical studies, Shamanic healing,
and many other healing modalities.
She has lived her life anchored in physical fitness
and sport, as well as yoga and bodywork,
while attaining degrees in Sociology,
Education and Holistic Health Counseling.
She is a channel, healer and spiritual
counselor- teaching how to live an inspired life.
She brings all this to her Reiki Classes.
Each certification and attunement is honored with a
traditional tea ceremony , stating the principles in japanese , and
finishing with deep reverence and meditation
Transform your life.
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